• Workers’ Compensation in the U.S.

    The Impact of Pre-Existing Conditions on Federal Workers’ Compensation Claims

    How Pre-Existing Conditions Affect Federal Workers’ Compensation Claims Do you have questions about federal workers’ compensation? Understanding this program can feel overwhelming, no matter your illness, injury, or concern. Pre-existing conditions are just one of several things that can throw a wrench into getting compensation after a workplace accident. These conditions can change the trajectory […]

  • Federal Workers’ Compensation, US

    How to Calculate Your Federal Workers’ Compensation Benefits

    Calculating Compensation Under Federal Workers’ Compensation Getting injured at work isn’t something many people want to think about. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to know what to do in the worst-case scenario. Navigating the complexities of federal workers’ compensation is easier said than done, but the team at Aumiller Lomax is here to help. We work with […]

  • Federal Workers’ Compensation, US

    Understanding the Differences Between State and Federal Workers’ Compensation

    State Vs. Federal Workers’ Compensation: Understanding Distinctions When you’re injured on the job, navigating the complexities of workers’ compensation can be as daunting as the injury itself. For government employees in the United States, there may be even more hoops to jump through as you understand the differences between state and federal workers’ compensation. Thankfully, […]

  • Federal Work Injuries, US

    The Importance of Promptly Reporting a Federal Work Injury

    Reporting Federal Work Injuries Promptly: Why It’s Crucial Reporting federal work injuries promptly is not just a bureaucratic mandate but a critical step in ensuring employee safety and well-being. Timely reporting of injuries in the federal workplace allows for hazards to be addressed immediately, preventing further incidents. Beyond that, there are a slew of other […]

  • Two women shaking their hands.

    What Are the Four Federal Workers’ Compensation Programs?

    Federal employees who are injured “in the course” of work can apply for workers’ compensation to help mitigate the expenses and lost wages associated with their injuries. Before applying, learn about the four categories of federal workers’ compensation benefits you and your family may be entitled to. Wage Replacement Benefits If your workplace injury affects […]

  • a person writing on paper

    How Long Can You Be on Federal Workers’ Compensation?

    As a federal employee with a workplace injury or illness, you may be eager to know how long you can be on federal workers’ compensation. After all, the last thing you need is to have the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) pull the rug out from under you when you haven’t fully healed from […]

  • How Should Federal Employees Respond To Proposed Discipline? Maryland & NY, USA

    How Should Federal Employees Respond To Proposed Discipline?

    The US government is one of the country’s largest employers. It also follows different practices and procedures than private sector employers. One significant difference lies in how federal employees are disciplined. Are you facing agency-proposed disciplinary action? Before you act, learn how this process works and some best practices for federal employees responding to disciplinary […]

  • Federal workers at Cherry Hill, NJ.

    Common Legal Issues Faced by Federal Workers

    United States labor laws protect employees in every sector, including federal workers employed by the government. Are you facing discrimination, injury, wrongful termination, or another legal issue at work? Learn your rights and find out how a lawyer can help. Legal Issues Faced by Federal Workers Discrimination, harassment, and retaliation: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission […]

  • Social security disability claim, MD, USA

    Can I Receive Both FECA & Social Security Disability Benefits?

    Federal Workers’ Compensation Law Firm Federal workers are often entitled to compensation if they are injured in a work-related incident. These damages can include medical expenses, lost wages, and vocational training. However, some federal workers may also be eligible for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits if your injury prevents you from working, whether that be […]


    Who is Considered a Federal Employee?

    Federal Workers’ Compensation Law Firm As a federal worker, you have certain rights under the law. If you were injured in a work-related incident, you may be eligible for federal workers’ compensation. Aumiller Lomax is a federal workers’ compensation law firm representing federal government employees across the nation, and even stationed overseas. Our attorneys have […]